Via N. Bruno 34 - 10098 Rivoli (TORINO) (ITALY)
Solutions come from problems analysis. In industrial plants, forms of energy such as compressed air and vacuum are indispensable, such as electricity and water. The biggest difficulties arise when manufacturers can not rely on a safe source of air. Since 1923 Pneumofore's mission is focused on one goal: to provide the best solution to every problem.
The Pneumofore method, constantly oriented to ensure product reliability, is the ideal solution for industrial supplies of air compressors and vacuum pumps, mainly for large-scale installations, operating 24 hours a day. It is well-known that Thermodynamic machines are not as efficient as electric motors. Air compressors and vacuum pumps use complex mechanisms based on different technologies such as pistons, pallets, turbochargers and more. The choice between the different technologies does not prevent difficulties or production problems linked to the supply of compressed and vacuum industrial air. It all depends on the reliability and ability of the air compressors and vacuum pumps to last over time, which must be designed for a wide range of operations. In some cases, adverse environmental conditions and industrial regulations considerably affect the design phase of each machine.
Pneumofore offers customers complete solutions and not just the lowest purchase price. Energy Consumption, Spare Parts and Maintenance are Quantifiable Parameters and all contribute to determining the Life Cycle Cost of each machine. We take into account all the costs associated with our products, including the decades.
Pneumofore is a market leader in this regard. Our monthly rental costs, far inferior to those of our most direct competitors, are proof of it. In the end, competition tends to mimic the use of rotary blade technology. With over 80 years of dedication to palletized rotary machines, we continue to be the pioneers of this technology and determine its evolution.
In addition to offering vacuum pumps and reliable and best quality air compressors, Pneumofore focuses its attention on plant design, which can vary considerably from application to application, especially in the use of industrial vacuum. Valuation and design of pipes and accessories such as tanks, filters, control systems and any other components required by customers is an integral part of our offer and does not entail additional costs. / Technology - Technology Web Directory