Via Maiella - Fraz. S. Teresa - 65010 Spoltore (PESCARA) (ITALY)
Di Zio Costruzioni Meccaniche spa is today a modern firm with a long tradition, designing and manufacturing systems and tanks for the foodstuffs, the beverage and fruit juice, the wine-making industry and chemical industries, both in Italy and abroad. Di Zio was founded in 1968 by Rodolfo Di Zio and his two brothers Ettore and Mauro. The company immediately became an important presence in the market as a result of the quality of its production and the constant effort dedicated to improvement and innovation.
In over 35 years, Di Zio has been able to obtain an important position on the Italian industrial scene. Today the company's distinguishing features consist of the design quality, the innovative technologies used in the production processes and the continued attention paid to assisting and satisfying all customer requirements. Di Zio's tanks and plants are to be found today in: Spain, France, Greece, Germany and Holland, as well as in Morocco, Egypt and Tunisia.

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