Via Paolo Gorini, 9 - 26836 MONTANASO LOMBARDO (LODI) (ITALY)



Founded in 1881, Sordi has played since its inception a major role in the milk world, position maintained until today thanks to the continuous search for innovative solutions.

Sordi was one of the first companies in the world to offer the exchange of heat at high temperature for indirect UHT treatment of milk, as the sterilizing plants UHT, it has developed and perfected innovative lines for the production of cheese, mascarpone and cottage cheese, butter and margarine. He used his experience and his knowledge to create cutting-edge systems in related fields, such as the production and heat treatment of juices, ice cream, bakery products and confectionery.

In recent years the Deaf has devoted particular efforts of industry plant soy beverages, rice, and other grains, designing and implementing efficient and flexible lines for the milk extraction, sterilizing plants UHT for the treatment, for the tofu production and for the production of yogurt.

Therefore the Deaf production range includes:

receiving unit and the reconstitution of milk, HTST pasteurization units, ESL indirect, sterilizing plants UHT indirect, production lines and condensed sweetened milk, preparation lines and production breakdown, puddings, ice cream mixes, production lines fermented milk (creamy and compact yoghurt, kefir, Labneh, Laban, etc.) of vegetable cream production lines, lines of preparation of fruit juices and drinks, concentration of lines by means of membranes (MF, UF, RO), production lines soft cheeses , of pressed cheese production lines, of pasta filata cheese production lines, production lines of fresh cheese, ricotta production lines, production lines of "analogue cheese" (cheese from protein concentrates), extraction lines and production vegetable drinks (of soy, rice, oats, etc.)., of tofu production plants (soy cheese), CIP cleaning systems for individual machines and installations.

The company produce since 1964 plate sterilizing plants UHT and ELS STERIOLAK-S suitable for the production of plain or flavoured milk, cream, puddings, ice-cream mix, milkshake, dietetic products, fruit juice, tomato juice, soy milk, isotonic drink, pharmaceutical products, etc.

All the sterilizing plants UHT STERIPLAK-S are preassembled and made with plates equipped with press-in type gaskets ensuring the highest resistance to pressure.

The sterilizing plants UHT STERIPLAK-S usually operate with homogenizers in non aspetic phase and they can be eqquiped with stabilizing holding and degaser. The actual high heat regeneration obtainable (over 90%) allows a very cheap coonduction of the plants reducing to the minimum the steam consumptions required for the sterilization.

The configuration of the heat exchange cycles ensures a shot holding time over 90°C and an extremely reduces wall-temperature such as to definitely ensure low values of lactulose fomation and denaturation of the whey-proteins.

The product steriling safety is assured by the tested sustem of controlled overpressure introduced by Sordi in 1974. Different levels of automation of the sterilizing plants UHT STERIPLAK-S are available.

Sordi manufactures sterilizing plants UHT tubular for the heat processing of milk, flavoured milk, cream, puddings, ice-cream mix, milk-shake, dietetic products, fruit juice, soy milk, isotonic drinks, pharmaceuticals, etc. All the sterilizing plants UHT STERIPLAK-T are pre-assembled on platform.

The heat exchanger is a corrugated multitube. Thanks to corrugation the heat exchange efficiency is increased in a variable percentage ranging from 40% to 90% ad regards a smmoth surface tubular heat exchange.

Some of main advantages are:

  • Fully welded surfaces coming into contact with product
  • Easy ispection
  • High pressure stability
  • High heat regeneration
  • High flexibility and reliability
  • low consumptions
  • low maintenance costs

Different levels of automation of the sterilizing plants UHT are available. / Technology - Technology Web Directory