414 West 29th Street - 64108-3604 - Kansas City (USA)
We realize that there is a wide selection of processing, packaging and labeling equipment on the market today from which to choose. And we understand that financial strength is a critical factor when selecting an equipment manufacturer. Our financial strength gives us the capabilities and resources needed to continuously evolve our product offering to satisfy companies of all sizes to ensure that our customers can grow with us into the future.

Flexibility, open to new ideas, responding to new trends and market conditions, and making improvements to products and services that already exist. These are the key drivers that have allowed Koch Equipment to be a leader in innovation. Since 1993, we have received numerous U.S. Patents for designing some of the most innovative packaging, processing, and labeling equipment on the market. Most recently, we were recognized for the enhanced sanitary design of our Matrix food package and film labelers. We encourage our employees to enhance their innovation skills through outside training programs, customer experiences and creative brainstorming sessions which allow us and our customers to remain competitive.
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