1984-2024: a story of courage and passion

In 2024 ENOBERG blows out 40 candles.
An important achievement that rewards the commitment, professionalism and determination of those who have always believed in this company and get involved to design and develop new solutions.
40-year activities have resulted in the cutting-edge machines by ENOBERG, an outcome which has never been possible without people’s passion and soul. And it is precisely such people who, with their enthusiasm, have made the company grow year after year, allowing it to become one of the main Italian manufacturers of bottling machines.
Continuous innovation has always been the key element of the corporate mission which has allowed to design, manufacture and offer technologically advanced machines and systems, capable of easily and effectively adapting to the market requirements.
Since 1984 ENOBERG has successfully turned to international customers operating in the industry of beverage, food and products for the household cleaning and personal hygiene.

Since 2016, when it became part of the SMI Group, one of the main manufacturers of the bottling and packaging systems and machines in the world, ENOBERG has started a complete renovation of its facilities and has increasingly focused on the design and production of high-quality bottling machines for flat and carbonated beverages, in order to meet production requirements up to 55,000 bph.

To have further information on ENOBERG product range, do not hesitate to contact us.